Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Usability Testing Plan for Clickable Wireframes

  • Where can we find 3-5 individuals to test our website on?
    • Because our target demographic mainly includes people our own age, we will likely just ask friends or family to test our website. We could also consider talking to some local restaurant and bar owners to get an idea of the ease of use of our sign up pages for business owners.
  • How will we solicit people's help?
    • We will likely ask a few of our friends in person to test our site. Outside of that, we may send out emails to other students at OSU to see if they would also like to participate in our test.
  • How has the site changed since our paper-prototype?
    • The overall structure of our site has changed very little as compared to our paper prototype.  We still plan to have essentially the same layout structure for our pages that we laid out in the paper prototype. We thought more about the content in each section and we added this content to our click-able prototype. We anticipate that some size changes and slight re-arrangement may be needed once we begin to add more content and images to the pages.
  • What differences do we foresee in usability testing between the paper wireframe and this current version of our wireframe?
    • Because we will be adding more content, such as images and descriptions, to some areas, there may be more information for people to sort though and therefore they may have slightly more difficultly finding what they want. However, we hope to minimize any confusion by creating a fairly clean main page where the main focus is the search feature and by ensuring that any additional content on the front page does not make it too cluttered. 
    • We also may also make it more immediately clear what the purpose of the website is by adding more images to the front page and including logos, etc. This will increase ease of use and how quickly the user can find what they are looking for.

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